Letʼs accept it. Nobody likes doing laundry except us. Quiclo, the best laundry  service in Hyderabad loves what we do and aim to make life easy for you.  Nonetheless, we understand some of you would prefer washing your laundry at  home, thinking it would save money. What you donʼt realise is that most of you do  laundry more than once a week. When it comes to value for money, we do not  compromise. It would help to know that you would actually be spending more by  doing laundry at home. There are a few tips that can save some money for you and  we are listing those below:  

Hereʼs a fun fact: Did you know that your washing machine and dryer actually  consume more electrical energy than most of the other electrical appliances that  you might use on a daily basis at home?  

Therefore, even before we begin with our list, it would help to mention that there  are several energy-saving and eco-friendly options when it comes to washing  machines are dryers now. They not only save water but the electricity consumed  too.  

That aside, there are several ways to save money and electricity while doing  laundry all the while maintaining the condition and quality of your clothes. All these  tips listed here are easy breezy and donʼt weigh you down heavily.  


1. Wash your clothes with cold water. 

Even if not cold water, use warm water. When you use warm water instead of  using hot water, it reduces the energy consumed by the washing machine. But  what is best is using cold water. There are also cold water detergents that  make sure your clothes are pristine since they are designed to work efficiently  in cold water.  

2. Wash an entire load. 

It does not matter what the size of your laundry load is, your washing  machine is going to use up the same amount of energy. So please collect your  laundry when it amounts to a lot and then throw it in the washing machine. It  is far better than washing two or three clothes in the machine every day.  

3. Be aware of the size of the load in the dryer. 

Here is the thing with dryers. They are tricky. If your clothes are too few, the  dryer takes extra time to do the job and this consumes a lot of energy. If the  pile is too big and the machine is stuffed, the dryer takes a long time resulting 

in extra electricity consumption again. So make sure the size of laundry you  throw into your dryer is just about right.  

4. Air drying is always an option. 

We are going to give you a reality check. Life has advanced a lot, with a  machine for almost all our needs. Most of us have dryers at home, but most  of us still dry clothes the traditional way. We still hand them on a clothesline  and let them air dry. This is the best option. It kills bacteria more effectively  as well.  

5. Make use of the dryer when it is still warm. 

Remember we told you that the size of your laundry load matters when it  comes to the dryer? In case your load is too big, please put in the rest of the  clothes as soon as you take a batch of dried clothes out. The machine would  still be hot and lesser electricity would be required to get it going.  

6. Dryer balls to the rescue! 

There are wool and dryer balls that can be brought to make your laundry life  easier. Sometimes even a tennis ball will do. Throw it in the dryer along with  the rest of your laundry and see what a difference it makes. They create space  in between your clothes and get more air to each of them, fastening the  drying process altogether. This will reduce time and electricity. It also reduces  the static between clothes.  

7. The Lint filter has to be cleaned. 

The lint filter in the dryer collects material quite quickly. This can hinder the  drying process over time. Hence, it has to be removed and cleaned often. Will  will increase the efficiency of the dryer. You can clean it by gently scrubbing  it off with a toothbrush.  

8. Use the most effective speed in the washer. 

Always use the highest speed of cycle in the washing machine. This makes  sure that most of the moisture is removed before the clothes dry. This in turn  reduces the time taken to clean, which reduces the electricity. It also protects  against the damage of fabric from high temperatures.  

9. Low heat still dries your clothes! 

Keep the temperature low in the dryers. This might increase the duration fo  the process but it will definitely use lesser energy. 

10. Separate towels and heavy laundry.  

Do not put your towels and beddings together with your daily laundry. They  only increase the time taken to complete the cycle.  

11. Make use of the cool-down cycle. 

This dries your clothes with the remaining heat, hence proving efficient.  

12. Utilise moisture sensor option.  

Make sure you get a dryer with a moisture sensor option. This switches off the  machine when the clothes are dry, automatically. This saves energy and keeps  the clothes intact.  

13. ENERGY STAR-certified machines. 

Have you ever noticed an energy star sticker on your washing machine and  dryer? This is indicative that the machine uses 25% lesser energy than most  models when it comes to washing machines and 20% lesser when it comes to  dryers.  

These are some of the things to keep in mind if you want to save money by doing  laundry at home. We would like to remind you that letting Quiclo take care of your  laundry is a far better option and cost-effective too, on the whole. Did you know  that we are one of the best online laundry services in Hyderabad? We have a user friendly app that makes the whole process much easier. Download now and youʼll  see how.  

Please let us know in the comments if you have any other suggestions.


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