Blog Summary: Do you prefer wearing linen clothes? Well, here are a few tips on how to take care of linen clothes that will give you a pleasant experience wearing your comfortable linen clothes.
Linen clothes are comfortable clothing that many have been using for a long time.
Linen is quite a popular kind of clothing that was used during the times of Mesopotamia and Egyptian civilisation. The comfort of using this fabric has not faded yet and is still being used widely. Do you want to have a happy linen clothing experience? Then, here are some tips on how to take care of linen clothes.
9 Tips To Take Care of Your Linen Clothes
1. Wash it the mild way

Linen clothes need to be washed with proper care and assistance. The material is fragile, and the texture can be altered easily, so it is always advisable to hand wash linen clothes than wash it any other way. If at all you machine wash your linen clothes, just make sure that you use the gentle washing mode. This keeps the quality of the linen clothes intact for a longer period and also goes easy on the fabric.
2. Use cold water

Washing linen clothes with cold water is an advisable idea as it keeps the texture of the material intact. Washing clothes with cold water prevents the shrinking and fading of clothes by large extents. Using cold water to wash linen clothes with mild detergent can keep the material fresh and undamaged for a longer period of time.
3. Avoid Fabric softeners

Although most of them use fabric softeners to keep their clothes wrinkle-free, it is best to avoid fabric softeners, and this is one of the most common tips on how to take care of linen clothes. Fabric softeners have a lot of chemical pesticides that can irritate the skin. The heavy fragrance can also trigger asthma and other breathing ailments for many. Therefore, it is best to keep the washing of linen clothes simple and avoid fabric softeners.
4. Careful stain and odor removal

Be it stain removal or odour removal, vinegar is your friend. Adding a few drops of vinegar to your clothes can make them look and smell afresh. Soak your cloth in baking soda and a few drops of vinegar. Apply it directly to the parts of the stain if the stain is hard and deep in a few places. Then rinse it off with mild detergent. One of the main tips on how to take care of linen clothes is not to use harsh materials or scrub the clothes excessively to remove stains or odours.
5. Safeguard the color of linen cloth

Colour fading is one of the most heartbreaking things that happen to your favorite clothes. If you have noticed that your linen clothes are fading in color, be cautious about doing something about it while washing. To safeguard your linen clothes from colour fading, add a cup of vinegar or one and a half cup of salt to the wash to hold the colours.
Also, make sure that you wash the same coloured clothes together. Wash whites separately always.
6. Drying your linen clothes

Linen clothes generally dry much father than cotton. This show that it isn’t that humongous of a task. But make sure that you don’t try to dry it with temperatures. If you are going to dry it by traditional methods, make sure that the linen clothes don’t come in direct contact with sunlight. Also, avoid using the machine dryer even if you do; make sure you keep the temperature and pressure low. Drying your linen clothes to optimum temperature is one of the best tips for taking care of linen clothes.
7. Ironing your clothes the right way

Linen is a little hard to iron because of the texture of the material. Linen clothes are prone to have hard wrinkles that won’t go off easily. One of the needed things to add to tips on how to take care of linen clothes is always steam ironing your linen clothes.
Steam ironing creates dampness in the clothes and helps make the ironing process much easier. So it is best to steam iron your linen clothes always.
8. Take care of the collars, cuffs, buttons and pockets.

Take that extra effort to care for the collar, cuffs, buttons, and pocket portions of your linen clothes. Wash the collar and cuff portions separately before you can wash the line clothes as a whole. Make sure that you pick the pocket portion inside out before putting it to wash. Check if the buttons of the clothes are intact now and then. Taking care of these entities is a must to add to the list of tips on how to take care of linen clothes.
9. Storing linen clothes

Linen clothes are fragile clothing that needs to be cared for and stored with care and effort. Make sure to fold your linen clothes neatly after ironing them and store them in a dry place. Also, make sure that the storage place is not damp or cold. One of the fresh tips on taking care of linen clothes is if you take your linen clothes out of the storage and you find it crinkly, sprinkle some light water to it, press the garment flat, and let it air dry. This will give your linen cloth a fresh look, and it is ready to wear.
Linen, in general, are costlier compared to other materials, so better make sure that you safeguard them and make use of the above tips on how to take care of linen clothes.
If you need some help in taking care of your linen clothes, then don’t worry; Quiclo Laundry has got you covered. Reach out to us to get the best linen clothes cleaning services. Also, do contact us if you have any queries or suggestions or download our app from Play Store or Apple Store.